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How i know i am in my late 20's

I have reached a certain stage in my life where i am maturing, my life bares little resemblance to five years ago and i am starting to accept that I am just getting old, here are some of things which i think highlight my path to old lady

1. Long gone are high heels, i am all about comfort, my feet are a temple that need to be worshipped with flat shoes, a comfort sole makes me feel like i've hit the jackpot, i've started looking at Clarks, and liking what i see. 

2. I think about things like pet insurance, pensions, health insurance and actively google these things, my parents are very proud

3. If you suggest a night out in the clubs, i might be likely to throw hot oil in your face, run and delete your number so i never have to go through it again. Clubs are loud, expensive, full of people who i can't believe are old enough to be in there, sweaty and the toilets leave me thinking a bush would be better. How is that a fun way to spend my time? Give me a nice pub any day, they kick you out at 11 which is a perfectly acceptable time to head home, i can hear you talk and can talk back without having to shout 'what' every few seconds and best of all, i get to sit down. 

4. When I buy clothes, i think about how practical they will be to wash, i actually read the washing instructions, i own washing bags to put my clothes in to keep them safe. If i think it will be a nightmare to wash, back it goes.

5. I love my electric blanket, yes is it an old lady thing, but i am so cosy and warm in bed that i don't care, if being old is that cosy, sign me up.

6. I don't feel i need a man to complete my life. I am past the stage where i think i must have a boyfriend, and be thinking about getting married. I also won't date just anyone who shows a bit of interest. I need to feel you are worth my time and effort, as i am happy in my jammies having snuggles with my pooch, you need to be pretty special to lure me away from that.

7. My knickers bare more resemblance to Bridget Jones than a 3 page model. I do not want a bit of string up my bum flossing the hell out of it. Big pants are comfortable and i'm all about that comfort (not that bass as you might have been led to believe)

8. I no longer go to festivals. Back in my youth i was an avid festival goer, doing 2 or 3 a year. T in the Park broke me and i never went to a festival again. All the walking, the Mud, The rain, the toilets, the awful overpriced food. Now i can watch it in the comfort of my own home, for free, dry as a bone and with the luxury of an actual porcelain toilet. that doesn't smell like something died in it.  

When did you know you were in your mid 20s?

Becky x