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Get To Know Me

I've seen everyone doing the random facts tag, so I decided to give it a go myself!

40 Random Facts About Me

1.  I’m Left Handed
2.  I’m Tee-Total and have been for nearly 8 years
 3. I have 7 piercings and 10 tattoos
4.      I can't whistle or wink

5.      I’m part Irish

6.      I am a hoarder and find it terribly difficult to throw anything away
7.      I have passed my driving test but don’t drive
8.      I am an auntie to an 18 year old
9.      I am both a first child and a middle child
10.  I don’t speak any foreign languages
11.  I was an awful truant at school, which is funny now as I haven’t left education since
12.  I used to be a party girl
13.  I don't drink hot drinks 
14.  I want to travel the world one day
15.  I have a secret crush on Charlie Brooker, Louis Theroux and David Mitchell
16.  My brother is one of my best friends
17.  I suffer from depression and anxiety
18.  I am a really fussy eater, which makes eating out a task as i need to see a menu beforehand
19.  I still have a baby tooth
20.  I'm terribly shy on meeting new people
21.  Starting blogging is one of the best things I have ever done
22.  Even though I am doing a PhD, I don’t actually know what I want to do when I finish
23.  I frequently disappear into day-dreams and wish of things I can't have
24.  I once met Tyler James (Before he was on the voice) he took me and my mate to watch the rest of the show in VIP and we met Daniel Beddingfield. 
25.  I need about 9 hours sleep to function well
26.  I suffer from awful migraines which affect my vision 
27.  My girl crush is Kat Dennings

28.  I am allergic to raw apples
29.  I’m more happy with my 22 size body than I was with my size 10 body
30..  I love superheroes
31. I like coffee flavored things but don't like coffee,
32. My mum wanted to call me Clare (after the county in Ireland)
33. I have quite a low immune system 
34. I don't like horror films, if i watch them i need to keep my feet off the floor
35. Chicken freaks me out, the way it strings genuinely upsets me
36. I rarely ever use my middle name but it is Evelyn
37. I will only put one type of food on my fork and i never mix food, only one item at a time.
38. One of my favorite animals is moose's
39. I have never broken a bone
40. I still have a blankie