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Coffee Morning

Last weekend i went to London to meet Sarah and Betty for coffee and some shopping. It was lovely to catch up with the girls again. Betty took me to the Tottenham Court Road Primark, which was a delight, 4 floors, nicely laid out and things weren't all over the floor, i will be going here in future and avoiding Marble Arch, it also wasn't as busy. I didn't buy too much just a t shirt, some shoes and hair stuff, pretty tame really. From there we headed to Westfield's Stratford, i had never been before but it is actually not that bad to get to. I wanted to go see the plus size section in Forver 21 but sadly i was disappointed and didn't come away with anything, but i hope to drag the bf at some point for an afternoon out. 

Top - Evans 
Cardigan - New Look
Leggings - New Look
Pumps - Matalan 

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