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Just another blogging challenge - Something you don't know about me

This months theme is something you didn't know about me. 

I was struggling for something to tell you as i have been pretty open on my blog and you know lots about me, but this has been something that has been on my mind recently and i thought this was a good outlet for it.

I don't have many friends. I am that girl. It hasn't always been this way, i used to be a social butterfly but since moving to Bath that has totally changed. I knew no one, i lived with people i didn't know and i had just started a relationship. I had some friends on my course but i had the idea that in a years time we would all be going our own way and doing our things so i didn't try too hard. Then i stayed and started my PhD. Cue new house mates again (every year) so i don't really get to become really good friends with them and my PhD course mates, it isn't really the same as being at school, we don't have classes and we are all busy doing our own thing, apart from the odd social, i don't really see them. 

I spend most of my 'free' time alone in my room, doing work, watching tv or doing stuff for my blog and it can be a bit of a shit existence, especially when i know what fun i used to have. When i lived in Glasgow i made amazing friends, we were social and did things all the time, but again once we left it became hard to maintain those friendships because of distance. I had drifted apart from my old school friends and just didn't have much in common with them any more. I spent more and more time with my ex boyfriend, isolating myself from anyone else, and when that ended, i was left alone basically. This isn't a woe is me tale. I am perfectly fine, i do have many great friends who i talk to online or via whatsapp, i don't sit alone in my room crying myself to sleep. I just seem to have got in to a rut and don't know how to get out of it, i have no idea how to go about putting myself out and actually making friends before i become the girl crying myself to sleep. So any advice, i am all ears. 

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