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fat plus size bbw in Modcloth bea and dot dress

Dress - Modcloth 
Boots - New Look

A few weeks ago I managed to snag tickets to see Wicked, i've wanted to see it for the longest time and it didn't disappoint. I met Betty at Victoria and we went and got some food and caught up which was lovely, i love the friendships that blogging has brought me. Then after nearly falling down the escalator (there was an audible gasp from the people around me) we headed to the theater. It's very green, so if you have some aversion to green, i would suggest giving it a miss. The theater itself is stunning, it feels very 1920's with a bar at the back and lots of drapes. The show was amazing, and all i can say it, go see it. 

As the theater is quite a fancy thing to do i thought i better put some effort in and picked this Modcloth dress. I loved the detail, the little holes really make it unique. I am wearing a 3x and it is too big for me, i really must get brave and start ordering a 2x from Modcloth. 

Becky x