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Out Of My Comfort Zone - Geek Chic

Rachel aka @HappynessMagent put a call out on twitter to see if anyone would be interested in a new challenge, helping us to get out of our comfort zone.

Challenge 7#
Geek Chic - This weeks challenge was set my Gail. Thick framed glasses, satchels, video game related stuff...you know the deal.

Shirt - Forever21+
Dress - New Look
Brooch - Rachel 
Socks - Topshop
Belt - Matalan 
Satchal - BooHoo
Boots - Clarks 
Lipstick- Brick O La MAC

It would have been really easy for me to stay safe in this challenge and do something i would normally wear, as let's face it, i am a bit of a geek (you have to be to do a PhD). Seeing as i already have the thick rimmed glasses and satchel, i took to google for some inspiration:

 Much of the geek chic image borrows from various alternative youth subcultures such as emo, preppy, goth, hippie, and bohemian amongst others. You can mix geek chick with many other styles. Don't limit yourself! The image is which is based on lack of fashion sense or an overtly studious or square, bookish appearance.

I have tried to go Geek preppy. I have clashed patterns (floral and houndstooth), added a homemade my little pony brooch for some kitsch appeal. I am wearing frilly ankle socks and wedged boots that aren't too high (geeks don't wear high heels). Overall i think my looks hits the note of geek chic. 

Now go check out the other fabulous ladies taking part!
Gail http://www.gailygumdrops.blogspot.ie/
Rachel http://stateofmylessthanthree.blogspot.co.uk/
Becky http://www.mrsbebeblog.com
Nicole http://awellroundedventure.com/
Crystal http://talesfromthefatside.org/

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