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My day at Live Unlimited

Dress - Pink Clove
Cardigan - New Look Inspire 

Sorry for how late this post is and how quiet the blog has been, i moved back to Bath in the week and our internet is down, they have to replace the line, so i hope that it is fixed soon. Anyway last week i was invited to Camden to Live Unlimited's headquarters. We got to see some of the upcoming range, which is online now, with some great pieces still to go live. What struck me was the teams passion, they were so devoted to making the range great and taking feedback from us, they really want input and wanted to know what we thought, good and bad. I had a great time and got to catch up some of the great blogging ladies. 

So what do you wear to a fashion houses headquarters? I wanted to show off my new Pink Clove dress, this is actually the first dress i bought, as i loved the print, i received a few compliments on it and someone noted on how unique it was. Another big thumbs up for Pink Clove. 

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