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Primark Haul 2

Yesterday i met my brother in Bristol for dinner and to go see Russell Brand. We went to Frankie and Benny's, where i had the most delicious salted caramel cheesecake with honeycomb, anyway i digress. I managed to squeeze in a wee trip to Primark, i have been disappointed lately with the Bristol store as it always seemed really slow on getting the stock i see my fellow bloggers wearing, but i finally hit some gold (they also had amazing Christmas jumpers in but my brother talked me out of buying one....for now).

I just love a good dog cushion, my bed is now covered in them (well this is my 3rd) but is was just too pretty to leave behind. 

Reindeer body puff. This was at the checkout along with shower hats, i love reindeers so i grabbed him on impulse but he is it pretty cute, not sure i want to rub him over my body though. 

I went wild in the jewllery section as you will see, i had to stop myself from buying at least another 4 limited edition necklaces, they are all big, bold statement pieces that i love. I am so glad they finally arrived in Bristol. Bit gutted to discover though that two of the necklaces are missing stones, i clearly didn't check properly when buying as i was in  hurry. I think the prices are great though, £8 for a necklace that would be £20 in topshop so kudos to Primark, even if the quality isn't amazing. 

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